Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just because

Just because you come in and start changing vendors on us doesn't mean you are improving things.

Just because you come in and start holding department meetings doesn't mean you are improving things.

Just because you are here doesn't mean you are improving things.

The jury is still out. Just because...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Poisoning Me With Incompetence

There's a lot of finger pointing going on right now over the food poisoning scandal. The people are pointing at the government; the government is pointing at the food manufacturers; the government and the food industry are pointing at non-government inspections. That's a lot of fingers pointing in a lot of different directions.

Let's talk about where the fingers aren't pointing.

The fingers aren't pointing at the people, people like you and me. Nobody's pointing at the people who went to work at this plant every day. The people who navigated through filthy, unsanitary, illegal conditions and collected a paycheck at the end of the day. Where is the personal responsibility for a job well done? Where are the whistle-blowers?

The fingers aren't pointing at us, the consumer, who bought these products. Where is the personal responsibility for the food you lay out for your family every day? When was the last time you slaughtered something personally to feed to your family? When was the last time you grew your own produce? Baked a loaf of bread? Milked your own damn cow?

When was the last time you walked into a food manufacturing facility and said, "I feed your product to my child, I'd like to see how it's made."

Step up to the plate, folks. We are all, each and every one of us, responsible for the way things are. Don't like it? Change it. Take some responsibility. There's plenty to go around.