Monday, August 13, 2007

Still sick...

I have had a cold since August 4th. It is now the 13th. It cost me 3 sick days at work which have a dollar value of $220.00. I returned to work on the 8th as I was on the mend. Then Friday night it settled in my chest and I had a sleepless night due to coughing spasmodically all night long which left me drained on Saturday. Saturday night and Sunday were better and I worked again today, but the cough remains. And it's an unproductive cough. Hack, hack, hack, but nothing comes up.

Now I've noticed my nasal discharge has once again turned yellow. So if I'm relapsing that bad, should I go to the doctor?

Here's my rant: If you are sick, do not go to work and infect your co-workers. I repeat:






Next person who so much as sniffles in my range of hearing will be killed and I feel quite confident my lawyer can win an acquittal based on justifiable homicide.

On the plus side, being home has enabled me to kill two moles. Good way to get some of this aggression out.

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