Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday, lazy Sunday

Well, lazy for me. I only did two loads of laundry, ran to W*a*l*g*r*e*e*n*s for allergy meds, D*i*l*l*o*n*s for strawberries and cream of mushroom soup, and did my duties at Bonnie's with the cats. I did get to sleep in until almost 9:00 am which was a special treat for me since I rarely have animals that realize I don't have to get up at 4:30 in the morning two days each week. Why don't they get that? Maybe I should feed them tranquilizers on Friday and Saturday nights.

Yes, I've been getting up on time and getting to work on time for two weeks now. We have a trainee in the department and I figured I'd better set a good example. Plus we have a new department head starting Monday so even though I don't give a shit whether I keep this job or not (after all, it is just a job), I decided it couldn't hurt to get off on the right foot with him. Who knows, maybe he'll even make a difference for the better.

Now it's time for me to be un-lazy again and go iron the few pieces of clothing that I mistakenly bought the require ironing. Hopefully they'll wear out soon.

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