Thursday, December 11, 2008

Caution: Work Rant Ahead

Here I go, breaking the rulez again...

But I can't help myself when they force the wrong person to resign. We all knew the new sheriff was gonna shake things up and butt heads both above and below. I thought that was the whole point of bringing in the new sheriff. Get rid of the milquetoast yes-man. Get some fresh ideas, some fresh blood. Think outside the box.

Now, in some respects the new sheriff was smoke and mirrors (un-fulfilled promises---like the "big" raises we've been promised for three years now). Lot's of blustering with little result (un-backable threats). But there were some core improvements to working conditions that raised the moral of the little peeps a whole lot and that's worth a great deal to me & mine.

The micro-manager was seen for what the micro-manager was and was relocated to an area further from me & mine and given a project that could be micro-managed to the hilt with no impact on the Techs. For this I am forever grateful. It was demonstrated for the micro-manager what the Techs could accomplish if the micro-manager would just assign a task and GTF outta the way.

Unfortunately the up-the-food-chain head-butting was more than up the food chain could handle and the sheriff has been released to clean up some other town. Micro-manager has been once again elevated. It remains to be seen if micro-manager can retain the lessons of the past year...

Pray for us Techs.

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