Friday, July 6, 2007

It''s All a Blur...

So Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all spent getting ready for Thursday. I had to be at the surgical center at the butt-crack of dawn. The surgery went fine. It took a little longer than expected because my gall bladder was a little more fracked up than they expected. Turns out it's been in bad shape for quite some time and is probably the cause of much of the upper back pain I've experienced over the past few years.

I'm sort of angry about a couple of things right now.

One, I think that the medical community should have connected my back pain with my gall bladder a long time ago. One of my back issues is a classic sign of gall bladder trouble and since nothing else they did to relieve that issue resolved it, you'd think they'd dig a little deeper for the cause.

Two, my partner is totally worthless when it comes to having my back in a hospital setting. I know she doesn't like hospitals and doctors and all that shit. Probably because she likes to ignore when something is wrong with herself in the hope that it will just go away. Well fine, that's you and your shit. But don't tell me you're going to be there for me when you aren't capable of being there for me. We were talking yesterday evening when the anesthesia had finally worn off and I was mentioning something or another that I'd told her before. She said no, she didn't remember what I'd told her. She'd tuned it out because it was yucky and she didn't do yucky. Excuse me? So when I was still in out like a light recovery and my doctor came and talked to you about what went on in the operating room, you just tuned him out? And you call that being there for me? When I had the nerve to be upset about this revelation she got me. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle this one. Personally, I think it's a deal breaker.

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