Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Take it easy...

I thought I would share with you what Vampyra did to my hand. You can't even see a bruise on the other hand, the one that actually got a successful IV insertion.

But enough about the damage. The good thing is that my gallbladder was in bad shape for a long, long time and I didn't even know it. Since the surgery I've eaten all the things I normally eat with no problem. I've even eaten some things I don't eat all that often, like lobster. We had a lobster feast Saturday night, just two days after surgery!

I enjoyed lazing around for a few days without any obligation to do anything at all. It was sort of weird, but really nice.

I had planned to return to work Monday morning, but when I got in my car and tried to operate the gas and brake pedals, my abdominals objected. I tried again later in the day. You know how you always feel better as the day goes on? So I went out to my Monday night AA meeting and did just fine. I did better than just fine. I stopped at the grocer's on the way home for some must have items like toilet paper and milk. When I went to start my car it was dead. Deader than it's ever been. I've just replaced the alternator in the past year and I didn't notice that the amp meter was not registering so I'm thinking battery. I got four years out of a two year battery so I'm happy with that. Fortunately the grocery store was just down the street from Wally World and the tow truck was able to get me there before closing so I put another two year battery in it. Needless to say I was exhausted when I got home.

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