Sunday, July 1, 2007

Return from the 3rd World

So the Missus made it back from India. She was amazed at the poverty. But the most amazing thing to her, was how happy these people are. These people with nothing. They are the happiest people on earth. They don't know they have nothing. Let me clarify that, they have nothing if you compare their daily lives to the daily life of the average American. They are grateful for the little they have. This may have been a life changing experience. Everyone should send their cranky, spoiled-rotten, Nike wearing, cell phone toting teenager to a rural area of India for two weeks.

Naturally her internal clock is fracked up. She got in about 11 a.m. and after bringing me up to speed in the whole trip (her cell phone didn't work there and internet access was almost non-existent) she slept for about 4 hours and then I woke her up for a few hours in the process of getting her back on Kansas time. She went to bed again at about 6 p.m. and slept through until about 10 a.m. this morning at which point I caught her up on all the news she missed while she was away from CNN.

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