Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Game Day

...and I'm not talking football. I should have known I was going to be intimately acquainted with the wild side of life from the moment I got up.

There were turkeys in the yard this morning...when I let the dogs out. They (the turkeys) must have not had anything to eat recently as they managed to vacate the yard without depositing any of Maverick's favorite parfume, eau de turkey poop.

On the way to work there was a deer speed bump on the highway...the 70 mph highway. I didn't see it until the last minute and wasn't of a mind to lose control of my car just so I could avoid the blood and gore. Fortunately it had been pretty well tenderized by the traffic that paved the way before me.

Then there was the matter of the game camera. It's a thing hunters use to identify good places to set up for shootin' stuff. Good places as in, Hey, this is a major animal trail here! Look how often the camera catches Bambi and family. And is that Turkey Lurkey and family strolling by? My boss got new memory cards for his game cam but his computer can't handle the size of the cards so we had to get him a new card reader for his laptop. The first picture on the card is him playing with the buttons on the camera. It's a nice big picture. All the other pictures are really small so he must have pressed the button that changes the resolution on the camera. He says that you can't change the resolution on a game cam. He's wrong. I looked up his model and it has four different resolutions you can choose. But I guess Mr. Big Game Hunter knows everything and isn't about to listen to some city girl tell him what his camera can and can't do.

The day is winding down and as I was browsing a friend's blog the dogs decided that there was something foreign in the yard that must be chased. Oh look, it's Bambi. I wonder what they'd do if they actually caught one...

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