Sunday, October 21, 2007


Random thoughts from this past week:

On Tuesday my mirror showed this:

On Sunday my mirror showed this:

My cat knows when I fill up the dog's water bucket in the kitchen. No matter where he is, no matter what he is doing, when I turn around from the sink after filling the bucket he is there wating:

You know you're a shutterbug when you see a four foot snake in your yard and the first thing you try to do is convince the dog to go fetch your camera (she didn't).

I think that wonderful change of life has begun. You know, that second one. You spend several years longing to be "a woman" and then you spend the next 40-odd years regretting that you receive that monthly reminder that you are in fact a woman. I wonder how bi-polar and menopause are going to co-exist in the same household.

Yeah, it's cheesy, but I like the Bionic Woman.

Yeah, he's a ham, but I like Shark. I think if I wasn't a lesbian I'd sleep with James Woods.

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