Saturday, June 2, 2007

Another good night

Seems like the new combo of meds is doing the trick. I'm far from 100% but I really started feeling better Wednesday night and that was my first good night of sleep in a while. I don't get enough sleep to begin with (and I'm not complaining really because that's my own damn fault) so when I'm sick enough to make the little sleep I get even more ineffective, it just colors my whole life.

I got the appointment for the endoscopy set for this coming Monday. I was a little upset that it wasn't made for sooner, but really, the way my stomach has been feeling it's probably a good thing that it's taking a little while. Don't think I would have gotten it any sooner living in a larger city so I'm satisfied. Had a moment of comic horror in making the appointment. They weren't sure if the paper work I need to fill out would reach me via mail so I said it was OK to fax it to me at work. I figured I could either go haunt the fax machine until it came in or if the receptionist got to it before I could, I wouldn't be too embarrassed about the information being seen by someone else. WRONG!!!! They faxed the wrong paper work. Well, the forms were right regardless, but the instructions were for an entirely different procedure with an entirely different approach. Do you see where I'm going here?

My departmental co-worker brings me the eight page fax and I think there was a smirk on his face, but he's always smiling so who knows...I flip the cover page and there in huge letters at the top of the page is the word Colonoscopy. WTF? Excuse me, you people are not taking the scenic route to get a look at my ulcer. The shortest distance between the nearest entrance and my ulcer involves a mouth approach! In a panic I dial the doctor's office to confirm that I understand which procedure I'm scheduled for. The woman who faxed the info is gone for the day, but the receptionist checks my record and says I'm scheduled for an [insert acronym here] . I say I don't know what that alphabet means will you please tell it to me in layman's terms. She replies they'll be going down my throat. I say thank you, because if you're going the other way I'll pass and just suffer out the rest of my days. Still, before I go I believe some felt pen on my ass that says, "Exit only. Do Not Enter" is in order...

So Thursday I felt well enough to make the Appleby's run that we IT people had planned for last Thursday when I first got sick. We got a gift certificate from one of our co-workers for some work we'd done on her personal computer and wanted to spend some quality time out of the office together so we could eat drink and bitch and moan with impunity. We had a great time. I really like the guys I work with. I'm sure there are times when I piss them off as much as they piss me off, but when all is said and done I think we are a great team and work well together. I probably ate too much on this little outing, but I was not as uncomfortable as I have been over the past week so it was a victory. I just wish my digestive tract would speed up a little. It just seems to take forever to get things to make it from going in to coming out but I'm told that's a side effect of the meds. Can't wait for all this to be over.

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