Monday, June 4, 2007

Not an ulcer...

...but not out of the woods yet. Hmmm, does this mean I have to change the label for these entries? Naw, that's what we started out thinking and that's what we'll leave it as.

It's not an ulcer, it's a combination of two things. That nasty almost pneumonia I had a while back? The one that had me coughing like a lung was going to be expelled? Well apparently that gave me a hiatal hernia. It's a small one and it will in all likelihood heal on it's own. It's treated with the same medications as the ulcer as the main symptom is acid in the esophagus.

The other issue is a heretofore undiscovered birth defect called a Schatzki Ring. It's an area of the esophagus where it's much narrower than above or below. Normally not a problem until you add in some stomach acid. Once the hernia's healed it should cause no problems but if it does, it's a simple balloon dilation procedure done by the GI guy again using the endoscope.

Yes, I'm relieved, but not thrilled about the other two items. Still they are non-life threatening and manageable. I now know why no one blogs about the actual procedure. No one freakin' remembers it! The last thing I remember before the procedure is nurse Michelle spraying the local on my throat and telling me to swallow. The next thing I remember is the Missus stroking my hair and asking if I was awake. Demerol good. Demerol very good.

1 comment:

Sarah Fleming said...

Hi, i found you from a comment you left at Kris's blog, Anywhere but Here. Did the doctors say what caused these problems in the first place? You might want to read this post by Gluten-Free Girl about celiac disease and take the quiz she links to near the end of the post. It's a 12-page quiz, takes about 10 minutes, but it is an excellent resource for people with strange intestinal issues.

BTW, I've found that when I have major pain from reflux or stabbing upper stomach or small intestine pain, drinking pickle juice seems to help. :) Sounds weird, yes. One of my friends takes a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (the problem is actually usually not enough stomach acid, rather than the other way around), but I prefer pickle juice.