Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Today sucked

The pain was about a 3-4 all day. It woke me at 2:43 pm. God I shouldn't have had that Big Mac and fries for dinner. I tossed about for an hour before I decided I'd be more comfortable just getting up and having some cereal. My stomach has been gurgling and I've been belching all day long. Nothing seems to offer any relief except the Tylenol which I take sparingly. I debate returning to what works best for pain, ibuprofen. Hey, I have no ulcer, why not use the good stuff?

I'll tell you why. I've spent a good deal of the afternoon researching gall bladder disorders and it's not pretty. Chances are the ibuprofen is partly to blame due to it's effect on the liver. And everything I've read tells me that gall bladder stones start in the liver. Of course conventional medicine want to immediately rip the gall bladder out, and while that does appear to make the pain cease and desist, it has a very negative effect on your digestive process---for the rest of your life. I have no intention of ruining my perfect track record of no invasive procedures to the body if there are other options.

So tomorrow I go for a sonogram of my gall bladder to see if it's well and truly stoned. I expect this to be the case. If the current crop of stones cannot be eradicated with ultrasound, then I expect I will take the homeopathic route and make diet modifications (I have a sneaking suspicion that my high donut consumption as of late may be a contributor), I may even go so far as to try the gall bladder cleansing that I've read so much about today. Seems like everyone but the MD's are behind it. I should probably also consult my chiropractor. I read a blog entry by a woman who swears by her Chinese Herbalist but I doubt I will find anything like that in the middle of Kansas. Still the Herbalist's gall bladder cleansing routine sounds much like the other only with nasty herbs instead of oil.

Today's food intake: Cereal for breakfast, Macaroni and Cheese (apparently cheese is a no-no, but it's my favorite food) for lunch and I'll probably have the rest of the Mac n cheese for dinner along with a bagel. Drinks were my two cups of coffee, lots of water and ginger ale left out to go flat before drinking. I should probably skip the fatty ice cream tonight. Nothing after midnight, but the sonogram doesn't involve drugs to knock me out so I'll be ready for breakfast when it's done!

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