Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The wheels on the bus go round and round

I. Have. My. Car. Back. Finally.

It's been gone it seems like forever. I was on my way to Bonnie's on kitty duty and the tranny made a clunk. Then it made an unhappy spinny noise. It still went down the road but it was definitely not the vehicle it was five minutes before.

My mechanic took a drive by and said that it seemed to be low on fluid and I should top it off (drat, he didn't happen to have an auto parts supply store in his trunk) and give it a try to see what worked and what didn't. After adding fluid I proceeded to drive it down the block. First gear good and on into second. Never got up enough speed to hit the next shift. Unbeknownst to me, it was trailing fluid. When I got down the block to the turn around point I decided to put it in reverse. No reverse. So I safely parked it and arranged for a tow. And that was the last I saw of it until today.

I have been driving a motley and not-so-motley collection of rolling stock since it died. I've been in a Dakota truck, a Jeep Cherokee, and a Sebring convertible. Mostly the Dakota. Now I don't want to seem to be complaining 'cause I'm not. It has four wheels, windows, and now that the seat belts are fixed it's probably pretty safe. But nothing is located in quite the right spot like the Jimmy. You sit low, the stereo buttons are totally different from what I'm used to, and I have no clue how to turn on the windshield wipers or make a left turn without blinding oncoming cars with the high beams. For no good reason the cup holder is some dual contraption that inexplicably pulls out of the passenger side dash.

And I can't complain about the time it took to fix. When it's costing me half what it would cost to get done at the shop I can wait quite a while. Especially when I have driving alternatives. But it's good to have it back. I know where everything is. I know how everything works. My world is right again. Thanks Jess!!!!

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