Sunday, May 20, 2007

Everything's Relative

We had a visitor from the west coast last night. Three visitors in fact. We got a call early this morning from my partner's nephew. Seems his mother gifted him with a car and he, his wife, and their baby flew into St. Louis to get it and drive it back to California. We are just off the interstate on the way back so he wanted to stop and visit. He's doing well now that he's gotten the teen-aged wildness behind him and before his hormones kicked in back in the late 90's I'd always enjoyed his company. I wasn't really looking forward to meeting his girlfriend or the baby. I rank a zero on the maternal instinct scale. Never wanted children so babies hold no attraction for me.

They arrived promptly at 5:30 and we had a wonderful dinner of grilled steaks and some nice sides. He's even more handsome now. Works a physical job so he's in excellent condition and smart enough to hold his own in a conversation with me. The girlfriend is not at all what I expected. Based on nephew's mother's description I expected welfare grabbing, spam sucking trailer trash. She's not that at all. She's polite, can speak in complete sentences with proper grammar and pronunciation. She clearly adores both nephew and their child. And the child. Babies don't make me all ga-ga, but this one is clearly special. Tiny, quiet, beautiful. She looks like a doll I saw advertised in one of the Sunday paper circulars. Life-like skin, eyes and hair, the doll is baby perfection if I ever saw it. Well this live baby looks just like that. She was so quiet I barely knew there was a baby in the house. Honestly the dogs made more noise about being banished outside that this child did.

Girlfriend clearly was impressed with the house and grounds. My partner had me fire up my laptop and we took her on a tour of available local properties at one of the large internet real estate sites. She was quite in awe of how far your housing dollar can go once you get away from LA. We reiterated our offer to nephew of assistance in housing, etc. if he would move here to attend the school we've recommended to him on several occasions. Completing the courses at this school would enable him to pretty much write his own ticket just about anywhere in the country and all it would take is a one year investment on his part. I think we now have his girlfriend in our court and may see some success in getting him to do this. He works hard now, has admitted his past errors and has risen above them. It would be nice if he would accept a little assistance now in order to make a brighter future possible for him and his family.

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