Friday, May 18, 2007

In the Garden of Eden

It's Spring and the garden beckons. Even after working a full day, there is daylight long enough for me to spend a couple of hours in the flowerbeds in the evening. I trimmed all the stuff that got killed in the late cold snap and pulled all the little weeds that are poking out, most of which can have their life cycle interrupted by merely stirring up the thick layer of cypress mulch. A couple of spots are bare, but I still have a bag from last spring that never got spread around.

All the roses save one are coming back from the freeze and most of the perennials too. Even the tulip magnolia that I butchered last year because it had gotten completely out of control. I still haven't done any new plantings, but I wanted to make sure that there would be no more cold and I wanted the flowers to last a little longer into the summer so this year I've intentionally delayed planting. I think this weekend will be spent sowing annuals, maybe some of the new perennials I saw, and creating my own color pots (although the ones at w*a*l*m*a*r*t looked awfully nice yesterday. There was some dark bird with bright red blazes under the wings flitting about the garden section and singing at the top of it's lungs. I love Spring. Can't wait for the fireflies...

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