Sunday, May 27, 2007


The missus is feeling guilty about my ulcer, as well she should. No, she's not the only cause but I only had to be missing one of the four contributors for it not to have happened and after all the shit I've put up with for the past ten years, it's about time she took some responsibility. There, I feel better.

So she waited on me hand and foot Thursday. Friday I was well enough for work again and after grocery shopping (on the way home from work) she took me out to dinner. Today she sat through three hours in a movie theater (an unheard of feat) so I could see the new Pirates movie (which is specatacular!) and then grilled my favorite steak exactly the way I like it.

We also met up with the tow truck driver so he could deliver my car and the replacement brake part out to my mechanic's house. Hopefully he will work on it this weekend and next week I will once again have a car that stops when you press on the brake pedal.

Now if you'll exuse me, I'd like to get some rest...

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